The world today is fascinated with superheroes, vampires and magic. We see it on TV, read it in books and dream about which superpower we would choose to possess if we had the opportunity – ok maybe that’s just me then.
It’s all so intriguing, enthralling, captivating and thrilling!!! The world would be such a different place if only I had one of these superpowers. It’s a question I like to ask people to see what they would choose and why. So I can choose wisely. For saying it out-loud may possibly, potentially, maybe, make my wish come true.
The sheer possibilities are endless.
Telekinesis like Jean Grey – having the ability to manipulate and control objects with my mind – think of it, I’d never have to get up! Every action just thought out would happen. Gone are the days of getting up to find the remote when I’ve settled comfortably on the couch.
Superhuman strength like Hulk. Challenging beefy guys and having a small Asian girl whoop their ass. Priceless. And if I bet on myself – Gold.
Weather manipulation like Storm. Sunshine today, rain tomorrow, tornado on that guys house that cut in line – the weather at my fingertips. Never having to Google the weather forecast to schedule my laundry.
Time manipulation like Hiro Nakamura – affecting time by slowing, accelerating, reversing or stopping it and the added bonus of time traveling. Seeing the future, going back to the past - never being late again.
Teleportation like Nightcrawler - moving from one place to another instantly. Saving time and money. No more overpriced airfares. Hello holidays!
Power absorption like Rogue. Cheating to get every power so no decision has to be made. This is perfect! Except what if I’m the only one in the world with a power? That would render my power useless.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about or who I’m talking about, SHAME on you. Get educated!
Today I’ve finally decided. Decided on which power would be best for me.

Magic pocket!